Title One Information
What is Title One?
- A Federal fund
- Authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act (but began with the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965)
- Intention to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach grade-level proficiency
- To help students who are behind academically or at risk of falling behind
- Only used to help students reach proficiency in academic students: English Language Arts and Mathematics
- Never replaces what all other students receive (is supplemental to the regular program)
- Uses research-based practices
How is Title One School Funding Determined?
- It is a federal entitlement program (non-competitive formula)
- Allocated on the basis of student enrollment for ages 5-17, census poverty levels, and other data.
- The U.S. Department of Education distributes these funds to State Education Agencies that in turn, distribute the funds to Local Education Agencies or school districts.
- Local school districts allocate the funds to qualifying schools based on the number of poor children in a school.
Title One Must…
- Involve parents in all phases of planning and provide opportunities for involvement and parent trainings.
- Establish a compact between the parent and school outlining expectations.
- Share information with parents on their child’s progress and progress of the school toward the accomplishments of goals set forth in the plan.
- Inform parents when schools have sanctions placed on them due to not meeting the AYP standards.
A copy of Morningside Middle School's Title I plan can be found on the counter of the Main Office.